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about wmv
Welcome to our exciting and enthusiastic page of News, Television, Business, Events, Radio, Information, Promotion and Inspiration! This has been and remains our purpose since 1989 as we continue to fulfill our mission.
We keep the community informed of local and national news. We provide on the scene coverage.
Weight-loss, muscle growth, and a healthier physique requires a good nutritional diet. Our on-staff nutritionist will help you eat in a healthy manner both inside and outside of our fitness cafeteria.
Andre is very knowledgeable. I look forward to viewing weekly shows. I couldn’t have made it this far on my fitness journey without their help!
Derek Martel
WMV is amazing. It is a hub for anyone that wants to get stay informed, get healthy, eat right, and stay strong.
Caroline Doll
Meet Our Team
Our team is dedicated to bringing you the latest news and events. With the highest level of technology and communications, we deliver quality content.